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Chika Onyejiukwa

Student Leader of the Year


Chikaodili currently serves as the President of Hunter College's Undergraduate Student Government. Prior to becoming President she has served as the Vice President, and the Primary Delegate to the University Student Senate. Her business management experience as a former hotel management intern at the Millennium Hilton and campaign assistant for Mayor Bloomberg's re-election campaign has been put to good use in steering USG towards a new direction of student engagement and implementing new systems within USG. Her love for leadership and women empowerment issues blossomed after taking on at internship at Women's E-New's, an award-winning nonprofit news service covering issues of particular concern to women and providing women's perspectives on public policy. Working under the Editor-In-Chief, Rita Hensely, Chika helped cover issues, ranging from Black maternal Health in America and the lack of Baby friendly hospitals available to minorities. Chika is a recipient of the Hunter College Community Scholarship, awarded to students for leadership excellence. She plans on pursuing a degree in Community Health to further her knowledge on health issues affecting the Community. After undergrad, she plans to obtain a Doctorate of Physical Therapy with a concentration in business administration. 


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