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Julie Wadley


Julie Wadley is a certified life and relationship coach and the owner of a boutique matchmaking and coaching firm based in Charlotte, NC.  Graduating with a degree in business from the University of Virginia in 2002, she spent 10 years working in Corporate America, but was largely unfulfilled.  Having realized that she was only truly fulfilled when making a direct personal impact on people, she decided to marry her love of helping people with her career aspirations. 


Having been with her husband for over 16 years, she has dispensed quite a few nuggets of advice to friends and family about love, relationships, and commitment.  It was completely natural for her to want to bring good people together in the hopes of finding and keeping love.  It was in the summer of 2013 that Eli Simone was born.


Julie, an experienced relationship expert and transformational speaker, has been featured on CBS, The CW, WBLS, WPEG, WGIV, Elevate Lifestyle Magazine, and MadameNoire. She is also a contributor to online magazines and as Digital Romance, Women of Color eMagazine, and Carolina Style Magazine.  In essence, Wadley wants to “Bring Love to Life!” not just by finding someone a date, but about “building successful relationships to last”. Infusing her no-nonsense, cut to the chase personality, she challenges successful professionals to get back to basics on building a fulfilling life.  Her mission is to empower individuals to find and keep love by assessing individual goals and customizing strategies to achieve them. Julie seeks to bring out the best in people so that they can, in turn, bring out the best in others. 


To find more information about Julie Wadley and Eli Simone by going to or by emailing

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